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A moment with God - I am a servant not a celebrity

I am a servant not a celebrity so exclaimed Col. James B Irwing, Apollo 15 astronaut. God granted this man to leave the atmosphere of the earth and walk for hours on the moon floor and after seeing with his own eyes the immensity of the creation of return decided to dedicate its life to the exhibition of the gospel "I am a servant not a celebrity" said this famous astronaut. Often when we hear the word servant we clothe it with our old notion of the prototype servant and slave of Kunta Kintes. The image of the migrant slave brought to work in cotton or tobacco crops in America represented ignorance for many, they were objects of abuse, a servant for many represented a caricature of a being without purpose in life without will, stooped like the hunchback of Notredam, introverted and self-conscious of the basics and the essentials, wrinkled, dirty and tired, which, to motivate him, place him in front of the scarce food like a rabbit in front of a carrot. A kind of human mule that for abuse is forced to crawl heavily through the long alleys of life.

Every time I thought of a servant the image was certainly not flattering. Jesus as a model of service came to forge in us the correct perception of what he serves. Precisely the one who serves according to the model of Christ is one who has understood his purpose and destiny in his life. On one occasion the mother of two of her disciples approached Jesus to request that his two sons sit on either side of Jesus at the beginning of his reign and Jesus replied: "You certainly do not know what you ask for; in the world the rulers exercise control over nations and over kingdoms but among you it will not be like that, if not the one who wants to be first among you be the servant of others ".

Nowadays, the celebrity syndrome is present in our thinking, in our culture and is part of our nature. In all of us there is a desire to be recognized and honored by others. But it is better to understand that we should seek the applause of God and not that of men, to long for divine approval even though men disapprove, fortunately the world can survive without celebrities, but the lack of leaders with a spirit of compassionate service permeates our Daily live from an environment of competition and confrontation. Make a decision today to serve, if you are a father to your children and you will gain access and influence, if the son serves his parents and will earn their respect and admiration of them and the divine honor will be his shadow, serve if he is the ruler of the people and will will follow. Serve above all Christ, surrender your heart to him and serve for you, it will be a pleasure.
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